The University’s Assessment Charter details the principles of the University’s approach to assessment practice. Developed by staff and students, the Charter is accessible to all, supporting partnership working with both staff and students, and understanding the associated responsibilities of each against a set of core principles for effective assessment practice.
Staff should:
- Design assessments that are relevant, engaging and aligned to teaching. Test application of knowledge wherever possible.
- Be flexible with assessment type, allowing choice if possible and relevant.
Students should:
- Be prepared to apply their knowledge in a range of contexts.
- Make choices when they are available, aligning them with potential future workplace activities.
Staff should:
- Ensure students fully understand the purpose and type of assessments, preferably in scheduled sessions. Utilise group sessions for peer discussion of assessments and grading.
- Deliver assessment schedules and information in a timely and effective manner.
- Communicate effectively within programme teams to ensure appropriate timing and amounts of assessment.
Students should:
- Attend information sessions asking questions when unsure. Read information and guidance and discuss assessments with peers to support each other.
- Communicate with staff about assessments in a professional and courteous manner.
- Feed back to programme leads if assessment is scheduled in a challenging way.
Staff should:
- Aim to be as fair as possible. Whilst assessments cannot be 100% objective, processes such as second and double marking improve reliability and this should be explained to students.
- Provide helpful explanations of marking processes and grading systems used.
Students should:
- Recognise that academics are utilising professional judgement when assessing work.
- Use marking and grading information appropriately, discussing with peers to extend understanding.
Staff should:
- Respond to student feedback on assessments. Support students in avoiding academic offences by providing relevant information and training.
Students should:
- Be honest and accountable throughout assessment processes. Be aware of academic offences and how to avoid plagiarism.
Staff should:
- Provide constructive, timely, specific and helpful feedback on students’ work. Recognise that feedback needs vary between students, and be prepared to give further explanation.
- Be open to feedback on assessments.
Students should:
- Read and reflect on feedback provided. Use generic feedback to help with the next assessment (feedforward). Ask questions if feedback is not understood.
- Provide helpful and timely feedback on assessments.
Staff should:
- Innovate in assessment and feedback types, working in partnership with students.
- Work professionally and courteously with External Examiners, utilising their feedback to improve assessments.
Students should:
- Engage with innovations in assessment and feedback types. Give feedback and work in partnership to evolve initiatives.
- Attend discussions with External Examiners where scheduled, and provide helpful and professional comments on assessment and feedback.
A pdf version of the University of Lincoln Assessment Charter is available here: